TPP 及其數種相關工具以共通的檔案格式當做來源,因此需要將原始的數據轉成該共通格式,稱為 mzML。
- If you downloaded the mzML files directly in step 2, skip to step 4.
- 如果已下載 mzML 檔案,請跳過這個步驟並直接跳到步驟4。
- Mouse-over the Analysis Pipeline (Tandem) portion of the navigation links near the top of the Petunia page; a pop-up menu should appear. Select the mzML item in this menu.
將滑鼠移至上方的"Analysis Pipeline (Tandem)" 選項,並從跳出的視窗中,選擇"mzML"選項。
- Click on the Add Files button in the first section; the File Chooser window will open.
點選"Add Files"按鈕,將會跳出檔案選擇視窗
- Click on the demo2009 directory link on the right portion of the page. Then select tandem.
在右側點擊 demo2009 的目錄連結,
再選擇 tandem
- Select both raw data files by clicking on the checkbox next to each, then on the Select button at the bottom. This should return you to the mzML page along with a confirmation of the files that you just selected.
勾選2個 raw 檔案,再按下"Select"按鈕
- Leave the Conversion Options unchecked.
- Click on Convert to mzML; a wait page should appear. It takes about 30mins to convert two files.
上述步驟完成後,會回到 mzML 的網頁,並在上方出現剛剛所選的檔案。確認無誤後,保持"Conversion Options"內的選項未勾選後,再按下"Convert to mzML"即可。
- The Command Status box should automatically change color to orange when the conversions are done.