- iProphet (or InterProphet) is a tool that provides statistical refinement of PeptidePropet results.
- iProphet (或稱為 InterProphet) 工具能將 PeptidePropet 產生的結果檔合併並做更進一步統計上的檢驗。
- Click on the Combine Analyses tab under the Analysis Pipeline section in Petunia to access the iProphet interface.
將滑鼠移至上方的"Analysis Pipeline (Tandem)" 選項,並從跳出的視窗中,選擇"Combine Analyses"選項以進入 iProphet的介面。
- Select the interact.pep.xml file in the directory demo2009\tandem, as well as the file of the same name under the demo2009\spectrast directory. Make sure that there are two files selected for analysis; you can edit the selections using the checkboxes and Remove button on the right-hand side.
加入 demo2009\tandem 目錄以及 demo2009\spectrast下的 interact.pep.xml 檔案。
p.s. 如果在以上目錄中不存在 interact.pep.xml,請先執行過步驟 6 的 PeptideProphet 程式。
- Under Output File and Location, make sure that the File path (folder) is set to c:/Inetpub/wwwroot/ISB/data/demo2009. You may have to edit out part of the default value that is first shown.
在"Output File and Location"區塊中,確認"File path (folder)"的值為 c:/Inetput/wwwroot/ISB/data/demo2009。
- Leave all other options set to their defaults, and click on Run InterProphet at the bottom of the page to run iProphet.
保留其他預設值,按下"Run InterProphet"按鈕開始執行 iProphet。
- Once the command finishes running, you can click on the view results link that appears in the Command Status box to view and analyze the results. IMG:iprophet
一旦執行完畢,按下"Command Status"區塊下的"here"連結,
再按下"Output Files"區塊下的"PepXML"連結瀏覽結果。
iProphet 結果檔: